Legal Notices (Continued)

[...] AVANA Invest GmbH strives to update the content of these web pages and ensure its correctness. At the same time, AVANA Invest GmbH does not warrant or guarantee the correctness or accuracy of these contents or other contents, materials, and/or offers which appear on these web pages, are mentioned on the same, to which reference is made as part of this website, or which are made available on the basis of this website. Despite the use of utmost diligence, it is possible that some information on these web pages will have changed since the last update. Furthermore, AVANA Invest GmbH does not provide any warranties or guarantees that this website, the operation of these web pages, the content on these web pages or the server which makes the website available, are free of errors or viruses or damaging components, or that the use of this website and its content will be free of disruptions.

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The information and contents of these web pages do not represent a public offer or a request to provide an offer for the purchase of securities, shares in sub-pools of assets, or financial instruments. Also, the information and content on these web pages may not be suitable for or applicable to certain investors. They are merely designed for your own information and are not a substitute for individual advice. An investment decision with respect to the AVANA financial products presented herein should only be made on the basis of the relevant sales documents (prospectus, simplified prospectus, semi-annual or annual reports) and never on the basis of these web pages.

The products described on these pages cannot be offered for sale in all countries, and are in any case reserved for investors who are entitled to purchase these products. [...]

Legal Notices (Continued) »

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