
AVANA Invest GmbH

AVANA Invest GmbH is a company under German law; its registered office is located in Munich. The company was formed on 5 May 2008, and is listed in the Munich trade register under the number HRB 177572. AVANA Invest GmbH has received approval to operate as a financial services company. The company is subject to the supervision of the German Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin), Lurgiallee 12, D - 60439 Frankfurt.

Managing partner: Götz J. Kirchhoff (Spokesperson),
Thomas W. Uhlmann


Responsible for website content:
Götz J. Kirchhoff, Thomas W. Uhlmann
Tel: +49 /89/ 20802-154, +49 /89/20802-156
E-mail: [email protected]

Company name and registered office:

AVANA Invest GmbH, Munich
Theatinerstraße 8 - Fünf Höfe
80333 Munich
Tel.: +49 /89/ 20802-150
Fax: +49 /89/ 20802-169
E-Mail: [email protected]

The VAT ID Number of AVANA Invest GmbH is DE 261731950.

Other companies of the AVANA Invest group of companies:

AVANA Investmentaktiengesellschaft »

Additional Information
about AVANA Invest and our products

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investors only