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How to find us

By car:
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By public transportation:
Coming from Munich Airport Franz Josef Strauß:
Take S8 to Ostbahnhof and change to U5 (into the direction Laimer Platz) to Lehel (exit Thierschplatz), you´ll find Lehel Carré vis-à-vis (time of travel: about 45 minutes)
U4/U5: Exit Lehel
S1, S2, S3, S4, S6, S7, S8: Exit Isartor
(and walk for about 8 minutes)
Nr 17, Exit Lehel

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AVANA Investmentaktiengesellschaft mit Teilgesellschaftsvermögen

As described on the left side: How to get to AVANA Invest GmbH

Additional Information
about AVANA Invest and our products

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